Harvey Ormston added the comment:

I see that this issue applies to Python 3.4. Nevertheless, I am now using the 
submitted patch (http://bugs.python.org/file28122/wave_float_issue16525.patch) 
with Python 2.7.
I find that the patched module fails when calling getwavformat(), becuase the 
_wavformat attribute is not set.

I attach wave_read_issue16525.patch, which properly sets the _wavformat 
attribute and allows getwavformat() to succeed.

Apologies if I have not followed the proper process here. I found this patch a 
while ago while looking for a solution to the limitations in the standard wave 
module and, upon using the patch, identified this potential issue which I have 
attampted to fix. I thought it would be best to share that fix.

nosy: +harveyormston
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file29079/wave_read_issue16525.patch

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