Stefan Krah added the comment:

Gregory, I'm talking about the size of the *total output* of the tool, not
about the size of the actual DSL parts:

posixmodule.c:     11382    11514    +132     (2 functions)
_cursesmodule.c:    3434     3499     +65     (1 function)
zlibmodule.c:       1295     1336     +41     (1 function)
_dbmmodule.c:        437      488     +51     (1 function)

To this you have to add the proposed data structure for the signature
information (one per function, if I understand correctly).

For _decimal.c the situation is worse, since all docstrings are currently
in a header file. So I think that my estimate of +100 lines per function
is not exaggerated.


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