New submission from Manuke:

When I will make a GNU tar-file with 'tarfile', @LongLink may not be made 
though the name of the archived-file is long, if the name uses non-ascii 

In, the check code of the filename length is described as follows 
now: 1032
<         if len(info["name"]) > LENGTH_NAME:

But, the type of the value is 'str', it is not encoded.
It must be described as follows:

>         if len(info["name"].encode(encoding, errors)) > LENGTH_NAME:

There seems to be the same problem in Line 1029(and the other functions for 
other formats), but I have not confirmed.

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 169962
nosy: Manuke
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: tarfile may not make @LongLink for non-ascii character
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.2

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