Richard Oudkerk <> added the comment:

Lesha, the problems about "magical" __del__ methods you are worried about 
actually have nothing to do with threading and locks.  Even in a single 
threaded program using fork, exactly the same issues of potential corruption 
would be present because the object might be finalized at the same in multiple 

The idea that protecting the object with a thread lock will help you is 
seriously misguided UNLESS you also make sure you acquire them all before the 
fork -- and then you need to worry about the order in which you acquire all 
these locks.  There are much easier and more direct ways to deal with the issue 
than wrapping all objects with locks and trying to acquire them all before 

You could of course use multiprocessing.Lock() if you want a lock shared 
between processes.  But even then, depending on what the __del__ method does, 
it is likely that you will not want the object to be finalized in both 

However, the suggestion that locked-before-fork-locks should by default raise 
an error is reasonable enough.


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