Stefan Krah <> added the comment: This looks quite impressive, so sorry for immediately jumping in with criticism. -- I've benchmarked the things I worked on, and I can't see any speedups but some significant slowdowns. This is on 64-bit Linux with a Core 2 Duo, both versions compiled with just `./configure && make`:
Modules/_decimal/tests/ -------------------------------- Not much change for floats and, 8-10% slowdown for _decimal! Telco benchmark [1]: -------------------- 4% slowdown. Memoryview: ----------- ./python -m timeit -n 10000000 -s "x = memoryview(bytearray(b'x'*10000))" "x[:100]" 17% (!) slowdown. Did I perhaps miss some option to turn on the optimizations? [1] ---------- nosy: +skrah _______________________________________ Python tracker <> <> _______________________________________ _______________________________________________ Python-bugs-list mailing list Unsubscribe: