New submission from Jeffrey Yasskin:

This changes PyArg_ParseTuple()'s "t#" to request a PyBUF_SIMPLE buffer
like all of the other buffer-using format units instead of
PyBUF_CHARACTER. Objects with multi-byte units wind up
byte-order-dependent. Alternately, it might make sense to have
array.array('b') and array.array('B') accept the PyBUF_CHARACTER flag.

I haven't actually tested this patch on a big-endian machine.

components: Interpreter Core
files: let_t_format_take_array.patch
messages: 56126
nosy: jyasskin
severity: normal
status: open
title: Allow array.array to be parsed by the t# format unit.
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.0


Attachment: let_t_format_take_array.patch
Description: Binary data

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