New submission from Nick Coghlan <>:

The language spec currently includes the following paragraph [1]:

   Names listed in a global statement must not be defined as
   formal parameters or in a for loop control target, class
   definition, function definition, or import statement.

While the first restriction is real (and enforced by CPython), since formal 
parameters are explicitly defined as local variables, there's no obvious 
rationale for the last 4 restrictions (and CPython doesn't enforce any of them).

The proposal is that the paragraph be simplified to:

   Names listed in a global statement must not also be defined as
   formal function parameters. Attempting to do so raises SyntaxError.

The current (incorrect!) CPython implementation detail note will be removed.

A similar clarification will also be made in the "nonlocal" statement 


messages: 158005
nosy: ncoghlan
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Limit "global" keyword name conflicts in language spec to those enforced 
by CPython
type: enhancement
versions: Python 3.3

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