New submission from Jack Jansen <>:

I found a problem with the handling of manifest files in the msvc9compiler. 
Distutils removes the reference to the MSVC runtime from the manifest resource, 
to enable installing the runtime system locally (i.e. to allow non-admins to 
install Python in their own directory, without needing admin access to the 
winSxS directory). Embedders of Python are suggested to the manifest for the 
MSCV runtime to their main program (i.e. the program embedding Python).

This is all a good idea, except for one use case: if you are including Python 
into a product that is itself a plugin to another product. And, of course, if 
you need to extend this Python with an extension module. In this case, you have 
no control over the manifest of the main program (which is the outer embedder). 
You have control over your own plugin (the one incorporating Python), but this 
intermediate manifest file is not taken into account when loading the 
distutils-generated .pyd file.

(imagining the amount of time it took me before I got to this analysis is left 
as an exercise to the reader:-)

I would suggest an option to distutils to skip the _remove_visual_c_ref() step.

assignee: tarek
components: Distutils
messages: 152119
nosy: eric.araujo, jackjansen, tarek
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: distutils handling of windows manifest isn't optimal
type: behavior
versions: Python 2.7

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