New submission from Andrew McNabb <>:

The stream encoder for the zlib_codec doesn't use the incremental encoder, so 
it has limited usefulness in practice. This is easiest to show with an example.
Here is the behavior with the stream encoder:

>>> filelike = io.BytesIO()
>>> wrapped = codecs.getwriter('zlib_codec')(filelike)
>>> wrapped.write(b'hello')
>>> filelike.getvalue()
>>> wrapped.write(b'x')
>>> filelike.getvalue()

However, this is the behavior of the incremental encoder:

>>> ienc = codecs.getincrementalencoder('zlib_codec')()
>>> ienc.encode(b'x')
>>> ienc.encode(b'x', final=True)

The stream encoder is apparently encoding each write as an individual block, 
but the incremental encoder buffers until it gets a block that's large enough 
to be meaningfully compressed.

Fixing this may require addressing a separate issue with stream encoders. 
Unlike with the GzipFile module, closing a stream encoder closes the underlying 
file. If this underlying file is a BytesIO, then closing makes it free its 
buffer, making it impossible to get at the completed file.

components: IO
messages: 152029
nosy: amcnabb
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Stream encoder for zlib_codec doesn't use the incremental encoder
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.2

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