New submission from Erno Tukia <>:

./python -m test --help
-S/--slow       -- print the slowest 10 tests

-S is used to continue running tests after an aborted run.  It will
maintain the order a standard run (ie, this assumes -r is not used).
This is useful after the tests have prematurely stopped for some external
reason and you want to start running from where you left off rather
than starting from the beginning.

in Lib/test/

opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], '...S...',
            [..., 'slow', ... , 'start=', ...])

for o, a in opts:
    elif o in ('-S', '--start'):
        start = a
    elif o in ('-S', '--slow'):
        print_slow = True

At the moment -S (no args) and --slow (no args) are the same, not what the 
documentation says and not how the code executes (-S goes with --start). Help 
says nothing about --start.

--slow or --start needs a new short opt, and corrected documentation.

assignee: docs@python
components: Documentation, Tests
messages: 150792
nosy: docs@python, etukia
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: regrtest ambiguous -S flag
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.2, Python 3.3

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