STINNER Victor <> added the comment:


Please, attach directly a file to the issue, or copy/paste the code in your 
comment. Interesting part the code:

#Proposed replacement
import os, array
size_exponent = 14 #adjust as a memory/security tradeoff
r = array.array('l', os.urandom(2**size_exponent))
len_r = len(r)

def _hash_string2(s):
    """The algorithm behind compute_hash() for a string or a unicode."""
    length = len(s)
    #print s
    if length == 0:
        return -1
    x = (ord(s[0]) << 7) ^ r[length % len_r]
    i = 0
    while i < length:
        x = intmask((1000003*x) ^ ord(s[i]))
        x ^= r[x % len_r]
        i += 1
    x ^= length
    return intmask(x)

> r = array.array('l', os.urandom(2**size_exponent))
> len_r = len(r)

r size should not depend on the size of a long. You should write something like:

sizeof_long = ctypes.sizeof(ctypes.c_long)
r_bits = 8
r = array.array('l', os.urandom((2**r_bits) * sizeof_long))
r_mask = 2**r_bits-1

and then replace "% len_r" by "& r_mask".

What is the minimum value of r_bits? For example, would it be safe to use a 
single long integer? (r_bits=1)


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