Meador Inge <> added the comment:

I took a quick look over the final patch (I will do a more thorough
review later).  I like the general idea a lot.  The first thing that
popped out at me are the names 'OpInfo' and 'get_opinfo'.

'OpInfo' makes it sound like information concerning only the opcode, but
these objects really represent bytecode instructions.  I see a lot
of code in the future like:

    for opinfo in dis.get_opinfo(thing):

which seems vague.  The following seems clearer to me:

    for instr in dis.bytecode_instructions(thing):

And instead of 'OpInfo' perhaps 'ByteCodeInstruction'.  Even the current
'dis' documentation uses the terminology "Byte Code Instruction".

nosy: +meador.inge

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