Ezio Melotti <ezio.melo...@gmail.com> added the comment:

I don't see where is the bug.  If you do
>>> lists = [[]] * 3
>>> lists
[[], [], []]

you are creating a list that contains 3 references to the same list, as you can 
see here:
>>> lists[0] is lists[1] is lists[2]
>>> [id(l) for l in lists]
[33714832, 33714832, 33714832]

so if you append an element to either of the inner list, it will show up 3 
times, because the 3 lists are really the same object:
>>> lists[0].append(3)
>>> lists
[[3], [3], [3]]

However, if you do
>>> lists[0] = 1
>>> lists
[1, [3], [3]]

you are replacing the first element of 'lists' with the int 1.  This doesn't 
mutate the inner list, and therefore the second and third elements are not 

See also http://python.net/crew/mwh/hacks/objectthink.html

nosy: +ezio.melotti
resolution:  -> invalid
stage:  -> committed/rejected
status: open -> closed

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