Martin Panter <> added the comment:

Another infinite loop that isn't caught in Python 3.2.1: With the symbolic link
    link => link/inside
a readlink("link") call will keep looping.

Anyhow, the proposed solution in issue11397_py32_2.patch does not account for 
paths with multiple independent references to the same link. Example link:
    here => .
Calling readlink("here/here") for me should return "/media/disk/home/vadmium" 
(my current directory, containing the "here" link), but the proposed version 
returns an "/media/disk/home/vadmium/here/here" (incompletely resolved).

I suggest something similar to "" I am attaching. I think 
the main difference is it pops each link off the cycle-detection stack after it 
has been resolved.

nosy: +vadmium
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