Александр <alexandr.s....@gmail.com> added the comment:

As I understand, you created importer as a class attribute, so we can 
opportunity set import function to importer when inheritance new class from 
BaseConfigurator(# We might want to use a different one, e.g. importlib)? As 
example importer = import_module # from importlib.
>It still works for me without winpdb/rpdb2, so you should probably report this 
>there. Can you confirm that it works as expected when you do "python manage.py 

You true. rpdb2 create wrapper for __import__ and self.importer not work such 
__builtin__ __import__

ps. Sorry for bad english, it is't primary language.

status: pending -> open
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file22877/test_logging.py

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