New submission from Tyler Romeo <>:

Python's textwrap module can be helpful at times, but personally I think there 
are a couple of things that could be added.

First, when it comes to text wrapping, usually you're not dealing with a 
monospace font where each letter is the same size. If you're working with the 
Python Imaging Library for example, there is a function that you pass the text 
to in order to determine how wide (or tall) a font is. Therefore, it would be 
useful to have a parameter where the user can pass a function that gives a 
custom width for a set of text. The default for this parameter, of course, 
would be len.

Also, this module uses a rough and efficient algorithm for wrapping text, but 
the results are not always aesthetically pleasing (one word hanging off on a 
line). Sometimes the user may want something that is wrapped more beautifully, 
so to say, such as is found in TeX. So there should also be a beautiful option 
that goes back and redistributes the text so that it is more aesthetically 

This isn't exactly that important (minor improvements to a module that is 
probably not used much), but I figured I'd get it out there as I run into the 
problem all the time when trying to wrap text to be put in images of a set size.

components: Extension Modules
keywords: patch
messages: 139731
nosy: parent5446
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Improvement of textwrap module
type: feature request
versions: Python 2.7
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