Terry J. Reedy <tjre...@udel.edu> added the comment:

The basic fix is to replace the fake verb 'to or', conjugated not really 
properly as "or's" or "or'ing", with the real noun 'bitwise-or'.

    Optional keyword arg "optionflags" or's together module constants,
    and defaults to 0.  This is new in 2.3.  Possible values (see the
    docs for details):

Eliminate 'this is new...' here and above. Suggested replacement:

    Optional keyword arg "optionflags" (default 0) is the bitwise-or
    of the following module constants (see the docs for details):

    Optional keyword arg "optionflags" or's together module constants,
    and defaults to 0.  Possible values (see the docs for details):

Same replacement (whatever we decide on).

Lib 25.2.4. Basic API
doctest.testfile entry:
Optional argument optionflags or’s together option flags. See section Option 
Flags and Directives.

Optional argument optionflags is the bitwise-or of options flags. See section 
Option Flags and Directives.

doctest.testmode entry refers back to above. Option Flags and Directives

A bitmask or’ing together all the comparison flags above.
A bitmask or’ing together all the reporting flags above.

A bitmask that is the bitwise-or of all the comparison flags above.
ditto with 'reporting' instead.

A bitmask -- the bitwise-or of ...

I think this is all. Searching on "or'" does not work because sphinx nicely 
replaces "'" with a non-ascii unicode char ;-).

nosy: +terry.reedy

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