Ned Deily <> added the comment:

"* My impression was that Python's tkinter figures out what Tcl/Tk to link to 
at build time, not runtime.  The table on the web site suggests I can use a 
pre-built Python with an ActiveTcl that I install myself later.  Is this 
correct?  If so, does ActiveTcl have to be present when the installer is run, 
or can it be installed later?"

That is correct and ActiveTcl does not have to be present during installation.  
The build process determines which framework version of Tcl and Tk to link 
with, i.e. 8.4 vs 8.5.  However, if a 3rd-party framework build of Tcl and Tk 
is present in /Library/Frameworks during the build with a version matching that 
of the /System/Library/Frameworks, the resulting binary will have 
the /Library path name embedded and, at run time when _tkinter is imported, OS 
X will search there first for suitable Tcl and Tk frameworks and, if not found, 
will fall back to the ones in /System/Library.

"* No recommended or alternate Tcl/Tk is indicated for 32/64 on 10.6.  But the 
2.7.2 patched README indicates ActiveTcl-8.5.9 will work.  Will it not work 
with 2.7.1?"

No, because at the time the 2.7.1 64-bit installer was built, the Active State 
8.5.9 Cocoa Tk had not been released so that installer was built without a 
3rd-party Tcl/Tk present in /Library/Frameworks.  While it *is* possible to 
patch the _tkinter extension module using the OS X install_name_tool to change 
the search path (see Issue10537 for details), it is not recommended to do so.

I have expanded the tcltk web page ( 
to include information on how Python chooses which version of Tcl/Tk to link 
with and more information on Python 2.7.1 plus a succinct warning at the top of 
the page about the most problematic cases.  That completes the remaining items 
4 and 6.

status: open -> closed
type:  -> behavior

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