Terry J. Reedy <tjre...@udel.edu> added the comment:

I presume 'silently' means when starting with an icon or shortcut, so that 
there is no window left to contain the traceback.

The standard key customization is by clicking, which makes errors impossible. 
How did you get the error? By using the "Advanced Key Binding Entry" button, 
which warns "These bindings will not be checked for validity!"? Or by directly 
editing the a file in its undocumented location (which is unknown to me)? 
[Question: why is either alternative

Case sensitivity is a feature of string comparison. In this case, it is done by 
tcl and beyond our control. Adding validity checking where now disclaimed would 
be a possible feature request.

Assuming the binding is done within a loop, it would be reasonable to wrap the 
failing call with try...except TclError: display message "When binding key 
'...' to action '...', tcl reports error <emsg>".

Can you submit a patch?

nosy: +terry.reedy

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