New submission from Aaron Sherman <>:

I wrote some code a while back which used os.popen. I recently got a warning 
about popen being deprecated so I tried a test with the new subprocess module. 
In that test, subprocess.Popen appears to have a 40% process creation overhead 
penalty over os.popen, which really isn't small. It seems that the difference 
may be made up of some heavy mmap-related work that's happening in my version 
of python, and that might be highly platform specific, but the 
mmap/mremap/munmap calls being made in my sample subprocess code aren't being 
made at all in the os.popen equivalent.

Now, before someone says, "process creation is trivial, so a 40% hit is 
acceptable because it's 40% of a trivial part of your execution time," keep in 
mind that many Python applications are heavily process-creation focused. In my 
case that means monitoring, but I could also imagine this having a substantial 
impact on Web services and other applications that spend almost all of their 
time creating child processes. For a trivial script, subprocess is fine as is, 
but for these demanding applications, subprocess represents a significant 
source of pain.

Anyway my testing, results and conclusions are written up here:

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 129319
nosy: Aaron.Sherman
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Subprocess suffers 40% process creation overhead penalty
type: resource usage
versions: Python 2.6, Python 2.7

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