On 10/01/2013 09:04 AM, David Boddie wrote:
On Tue Oct 1 16:08:23 BST 2013, John Fabiani wrote:
On 10/01/2013 08:00 AM, David Boddie wrote:
You don't have to wrap the entire API or rewrite the whole application.
You just need to identify which classes need to be exposed to Python and
wrap those.
I'm so sorry David - I must be dumber that normal today because I'm now
confused. I think I'll wait for the small example. I at first I
thought all I needed to do was wrap the login, and one class that the
python side would need. But then I read your posting and came away with
the idea that I needed to make everything a 'lib'.
It should just be a simple change to the build, but perhaps I'm making things
too complicated. First things first: can you say how you plan to call the
Python objects from C++? PythonQt is designed for that kind of thing, if I
remember correctly, but I would find it daunting to do the same thing with
sip, although I know there is an API for it.
What I'm doing with the C++ application I'm working with is to create objects
I need in Python, then I pass them to the C++ part of the application where
they can be used. It might not be appropriate for what you want to do, but
we'll see.
PyQt mailing list PyQt@riverbankcomputing.com
I'm hoping to add functionally to the C++ app. Therefore, I intended
that a menu selection from the C++ would call my python code (I was able
to do that with PythonQt). Then run my scripts as if they were in the
normal PyQt loop - but now running in the C++ app loop.
So I see dialogs opening with all the normal PyQt Qcontrols include data
views etc.. I also want all future code to be written in python and
added to the C++ app. In the future completely replacing many of the
parts currently written in C++. Today we are writing stand alone python
apps outside of the C++ app to get special needs completed that should
be in the app. The reason we are doing this is to get it to the user as
fast as possible. It was intended that these python scripts be
rewritten in C++ at one time - but it takes time to get that done and
python is so much more productive.
PyQt mailing list PyQt@riverbankcomputing.com