This is a screenshot of my program I've written and KMIX:
As you can see, it's a pretty nice pyqt program and everything works very well in opensuse. However, when I switch into kubuntu I run into a problem that you can see: in kmix, it shows TWO audio outputs for my program. The slider works the second one....which means it has very little control over the actual volume. The actual code snippet is: @pyqtSlot() def item_clicked(self): row = self.listWidget.currentRow() song = musiclist[row] self.mediaObject = Phonon.createPlayer(Phonon.MusicCategory) self.audioOutput = Phonon.AudioOutput(Phonon.MusicCategory, self) Phonon.createPath(self.mediaObject, self.audioOutput) self.volumeSlider.setAudioOutput(self.audioOutput) self.mediaObject.setCurrentSource(Phonon.MediaSource(song)) I don't know why you would, but If you want the whole program, you can find the source you can install with python install here....along with many RPMs: You can find the deb here: It has an error in it and doesn't require python-qt4-phonon....which is actually required. _______________________________________________ PyQt mailing list