I'm trying to internationalize my PyQt application. Following the pyqt
reference guide i'm trying to use QCoreApplication.translate() instead
of self.tr().
Works but only if i write the full function. But if i want to shorten
it in this way:
tr = QCoreApplication.translate
and then using
tr(contest, string, disambiguation)
it doesn't work ! I mean when i run pylupdate4.exe the created .ts file
is empty.
If i change back using
QCoreApplication.translate(contest, string, disambiguation)
this works. The created .ts file is ok.
Why ? How can i use a short version of that function ? Is there another
way i can use that function ?
I look for an answer to this question using google but i found only
people with the same problem but no solution.
Looks like an pylupdate4 issue.
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