On Mon, 17 Jun 2013 16:33:22 +0100, Simon Carr wrote:

> Hi, Has anyone had experience using Web2Py's DAL (gluon) with PyQt.
> I am using gluon with a project I am currently working on and am starting
> to make use of some large data sets that I would like users to view /
> manipulate in QTableView.
> I want to know if the default object returned by gluon (a set of dicts) can
> be used to populate a model and how to go about it.

It may be the case that someone has written a generic model for Python data
structures, but I'm not aware of it. It may be the case that some of the
scientific or data processing frameworks include Qt models that could be used
as a starting point for the data sets that you have.

Can you say anything about the structure of the data sets, or are you looking
for a generic model? Looking at the dal.py code, isn't it mostly used for
accessing SQL databases?

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