For an app to be built with PyQt5/Qt5, I will have a
QPlainTextEdit in which the document may be quite
sizable, 500K characters or more.

I will want at times to inspect the document character
by character, or possibly apply Python relib REs to it.

I am somewhat at sea regarding the relationship between
a const QString such as returned by QPlainTextEdit.toPlainText()
and a Python3 unicode string, and -- just in general -- about
the best way to do intensive examination of big strings.
Is there a copy involved in, e.g.

    docstring = unicode( myEditor.toPlainText() )

I note that the PyQt4 QString reference omits the
QString.begin() or .constBegin() etc methods that return an
"STL-style iterator" so that's out. Is there some internal magic
to integrate the QString type into Python's "for" mechanism
so that "for c in myEditor.toPlainText()" might be more
efficient than making a Python3 string and iterating on it?

Also in regard to making intensive loops faster,
how well do PyQtx calls integrate with Cython or PyPy?

Thanks for any insights,

Dave Cortesi
PyQt mailing list

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