On Mon, 29 Apr 2013 20:41:46 +0000 (UTC), David Aguilar <dav...@gmail.com>
> We're seeing a change in behavior in the latest PyQt4.
> We have a custom QStandardItemModel with custom QStandardItems.  It is
> being
> used by a QTreeView.
> When calling tree.invisibleRootItem().child(i) we are getting back
> QtGui.QStandardItem instances instead of our custom classes.
> This seemed related to a previous problem (but this one is different):
> http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.python.pyqt-pykde/25027/focus=25028
> We are using the latest sip (4.14.6) and PyQt4 (4.10.1).
> Qt is version 4.8.2 (version-locked due to a 3rd-party dependency).
> We're on RHEL 6.4, Python 2.6.6.
> I've pasted our test case below.  Older versions of PyQt4 would print
> Python object (PPNavigationItem) instead of QtGui.QStandardItem when
> clicking on the items.
> This seems like a bug.  Is there anything else we can do to help?

It's the same bug in a different place. Fixed in tonight's PyQt snapshot.

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