Well, that will be fixed in the next release. Unfortunately Phil removed that file from the installer.
Detlev On Saturday 27 April 2013, 08:44:58 al wrote: At the end I got much further: G:\Download\Programmieren\eric5-5.3.2\eric5-5.3.2>python install.py Checking dependencies Python Version: 3.3.1 Found PyQt4 Found QtHelp Found QScintilla2 Found QtGui Found QtNetwork Found QtSql Found QtSvg Found QtWebKit Qt Version: 4.8.4 PyQt Version: 4.10.1 QScintilla Version: 2.7.1 All dependencies ok. Compiling user interface files... Compiling source files... Installing eric5 ... Installation complete. Press enter to continue... But starting ERIC5 says G:\Download\Programmieren\eric5-5.3.2\eric5-5.3.2\eric>python eric5.py An unhandled exception occurred. Please report the problem using the error reporting dialog or via email to <eric5-bugs@eric- ide.python-pro jects.org>. A log has been written to "C:\Users\comtronic2013\_eric5\eric5_error.log". Error information: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2013-04-27, 17:36:41 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <class 'ImportError'>: cannot import name pyqtconfig -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File "eric5.py", line 274, in <module> main() File "eric5.py", line 194, in main Startup.setLibraryPaths() File "G: \Download\Programmieren\eric5-5.3.2\eric5-5.3.2\eric\Toolbox\Startup.p y", line 134, in setLibraryPaths from PyQt4 import pyqtconfig -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version Numbers: Python 3.3.1 Qt 4.8.4 PyQt4 4.10.1 sip 4.14.5 QScintilla 2.7.1 WebKit 534.34 eric5 5.3.2 (rev c8a6412d098a) Platform: win32 3.3.1 (v3.3.1:d9893d13c628, Apr 6 2013, 20:25:12) [MSC v.1600 32 bit (Intel)] I do not give up yet .... ;-) Any help warmly appreciated ... -------------------- Could it be the case, that you have a mix of architectures installed, i.e. Python 32-bit and PyQt4 64-bit? Please note, that eric5 support for Qt5 is still marked as experimental. If you want to get a stable configuration please use the PyQt4 installer containing Qt 4.8.4. Detlev On Saturday 27 April 2013, 06:22:11 al wrote:
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