> > With the QTextEdit there is a separate QTextDocument that can
> > be swapped in and out to make a multi-document editor.
> >
> > I am trying to switch over to QsciScintilla but am having trouble
> > achieving the same effect.
> >
> > Does the QsciDocument serve the same purpose as QTextDocument?
> > The online documentation for QsciDocument is very sparse. It says
> > it is for having multiple QsciScintilla viewing the same document
> > which is sort of the opposite of what I want.
> >
> > Should I just be creating multiple QsciScintilla to make the multiple
> > document system? Or am I missing something more like QTextDocument?
> Just use setText().

But what about the undo information?

With QTextDocument, each document has its own undo
stack (which is what you want for a multi-document editor)
but when I setText() on the QsciScintilla the undo information
is lost.

Is there a way to save the undo stack? The only undo-related
methods I see are undo() and begin- and end- UndoAction()                       
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