I have 2 .py programs one main and the other starts serial communication to 
Arduino and has a function that loops around to process data from Arduino. So I 
use QProgressBar in the main program to indicate data being processed (takes 
about 2 minutes). In the second program when it is first called, it will serial 
connected and then it calls the functions to process data. At the end of data 
processing, it emits signal back to the main. So far all works fine. But a 
second and subsequent call to the second program function to re-process data, 
the QProgressBar does not indicate anymore and it is not even showing 0% to 
begin with, why? But it does show 100% each time when data processing is 
completed. Here's my code related to my problem. I research all over 
stackoverflow and google and tried so hard to find a solution.
Main program.... ..etc...
def connectDevice(self)
          if self.usb_serial != None:
            self.ui.ProgressBar.setMinimum(0)            # settings for showing 
pyqt4 progress bar           
            self.ui.ProgressBar.setMaximum(0)   # not indicating as expected    
            self.ui.ProgressBar.setValue(0)     # first showing 0%
            self.device = ScopeDev(self.usb_serial)    # device.py my second 
Python program
            self.device.start()                        # Connect Call... class 
ScopeDev/def run(self):
            self.device.init_received.connect(self.init_received)     # end of 
data processing signal received
            self.Display_MSG("Connection Error", "device not plug into USB 
port." )
 def reprocessdata(self):
          logging.info("Re-Processing Data...")
          self.ui.ProgressBar.setMaximum(0)      # hoping to kick off the 
progress bar again. Not even showing 0%
          self.ui.ProgressBar.setValue(0)        # I tried insert 
QApplication.processEvents() here but did not work
          self.device.init()                    # Call class ScopeDev/def 
init(self): data was being processed
 def init_received(self):
          logging.debug("Init received")
          self.ui.ProgressBar.setMaximum(1)         # indicated 100% on both 
times, when data processing completed
          self.ui.ProgressBar.setValue(1)            # first from connectDevice 
and second time from reprocessdata
My second python program... ...etc...
class ScopeDev (QtCore.QThread):
          init_received = QtCore.pyqtSignal()
def __init__(self, usb_serial, usb_serial_baud=9600, timeout=2):
          QtCore.QThread.__init__(self, None)
          self.serial = serial.Serial(usb_serial, usb_serial_baud, 
timeout=timeout)   # connect to Arduino
          logging.debug("Connected (%s)" % usb_serial)
def run(self):
          self.init()                    #1 Call...def init(self):
def init(self):
          self.serial.readline().rstrip()            # read println put out by 
  def sread(self, expect=b'^cmd$'):    # loops around to process data from 
Arduino...etc. when completed...
            self.init_received.emit()       # emits the outbound signal back to 
the main program.
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