On Thu, 28 Mar 2013 10:57:16 +0100, Frank Hempel <red_so...@gmx.de> wrote:
> Am 05.02.2013 17:02, schrieb Phil Thompson:
>>> I'm wondering how to call a function of an activex control with more
>>> the 8
>>> parameters. Regarding the Qt doc the QAxBase->dynamicCall() can be
>>> called
>>> in two ways, with at max 8 separate parameters or with a list of
>>> variable
>>> length.
>>> Using dynamicCall from python only seems to work when specifying all
>>> parameters separately, only usefull for less or equal 8 parameters.
>>> someone confirm that using the "parameters-as-list calling convention"
>>> is
>>> not wrapped into python? Or is there some special indication needed to
>>> have it that way?
>>> Thanks for any hints...
>> The list version was broken but should be Ok in the current snapshot.
> The pyqt-version released in the beginning of march did not bring any
> enhancement. I tried py2.6-qt4.8.4-x32 and py3.3-qt5.0.1-x32.
> The lines of code in question:
> params = [QVariant(x) for x in ("http://qt-project.org";, 0, "", "", "")]
> # works (axc is a browser-activeX in the example)
> axc.dynamicCall("Navigate(QString, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, \
>                 QVariant&)", *params)
> # does not work (means the python statement executes without error but
> # the activeX complains about bad arguments)
> axc.dynamicCall("Navigate(QString, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, \
>                  QVariant&)", params)

I need a short, complete script that demonstrates the problem.

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