When building PyQt4 against Qt5, I got this error:
Determining the layout of your Qt installation...
Error: Unable to find the qmake configuration file
Use the QMAKESPEC environment
variable to specify the correct platform.
I thought this might be a distro related problem, as the makepsec
directory was not where it was expected it to be. However, after a bit
of research, I discovered that the default install directories have been
changed for Qt5 and a new option "-archdatadir" has been added (details
can be found here: https://codereview.qt-project.org/#change,35495).
I used QMAKESPEC to solve the immediate problem, but it would be nice if
the configure script had support for "-archdatadir", as it appears that
that is what distros should now use to specify the makespec directory
(as opposed to "-datadir").
Baz Walter
PyQt mailing list PyQt@riverbankcomputing.com