I successfully build Sip with gcc in mingw and Msys.
With the following command.

*python ./configure.py -p win32-g++ --platform=linux-g++-64*

It compiled and installed correctly with mingw32-make. The reason i used "*
--platform=linux-g++-64*" is that the *python ./configure.py **-p win32-g++
*generated Makefiles with windows commands for the install targets.

E.g. *@if not exist c:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\PyQt4 mkdir
c:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\PyQt4 *
This command fail when running *mingw32-make install* does not matter if
its executed from MSys or Windows cmd.
But when "*--platform=linux-g++-64" *is added the generated Makefiles is
created with bash command in the install target of the Makefiles.

E.g *@test -d $(DESTDIR)c:\Python27 || mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)c:\Python27 *

I had a look in the mkspecs directory of Qt and in the
mkspecs\win32-g++\qmake.conf is the following script
*!isEmpty(QMAKE_SH) {
**MINGW_IN_SHELL      = 1**
QMAKE_DIR_SEP       = /
QMAKE_QMAKE     ~= s,\\\\,/,
QMAKE_COPY      = cp
QMAKE_COPY_DIR      = cp -r
QMAKE_MOVE      = mv
QMAKE_DEL_FILE      = rm
QMAKE_MKDIR     = mkdir -p
QMAKE_DEL_DIR       = rmdir
**} else {**
**QMAKE_COPY      = copy /y**
QMAKE_COPY_DIR      = xcopy /s /q /y /i
QMAKE_MOVE      = move
QMAKE_DEL_FILE      = del
QMAKE_MKDIR     = mkdir
QMAKE_DEL_DIR       = rmdir
QMAKE_CHK_DIR_EXISTS    = if not exist

The Makefiles generated by *python ./configure.py* have the *QMAKE_COPY =
copy* commands, i want the makefiles to contain the bash commands *QMAKE_COPY
= cp*. To have this the *QMAKE_SH*variable must be set.

   1. How do i do set the *QMAKE_SH* variable?
   2. How do i know what mkspec is being used?
   3. How do i make sure it uses *win32-g++*
   4. Or how do i configure PyQt to generate the corrrect Makfiles for
   Mingw and MSys?
   5. Does PyQt's Configure.py use values from the Compiled Sip to figure
   out platform etc?

Theun Heydenrych
PyQt mailing list    PyQt@riverbankcomputing.com

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