I am tying to compile the pyqt using the recipes from meta-oe.  The process
works fine until runtime in then I am experiencing several issues.  I have
tried building with both master and Danny.  In building for Danny I changed
the version of Qt to the one listed in the python-pyqt4 recipe.  When
building on master I changed the version of QT in the python-pyqt4 recipe
to 4.8.4, the only version of QT available in Master now.   I am using the
Yocto Project Poky distribution, and building for a Freescale I.MX6
saberlite development board

1)  Qy.py has \n at the end of each line, and python refuses to process them
2)  I get import errors for each module except QtCore and QtGui, like
/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/PyQt4/QtDeclarative.so: undefined symbol:

when trying to import them

3)  When I import QtCore  it does not contain QStrings.

The host computer is running Fedora 17.

Any ideas on where to look to get this working?

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