I have a QGraphicsScene and inside it I have a proxy widget with a
QListWidget that has a delegate which creates a QComboBox

When I trigger the editing by clicking on an item in the list widget, I can
use the keyboard to navigate between the items in the combo box but as soon
as I use the mouse to open up the drop down list of the combo box, it
immediately closes. I am attaching a simple example.

I tried messing with the focus events, installing an event filter but none
of them work.

I am using Qt 4.7 and PyQt 4.8.6.

I have also verified this with a C++ Qt app so PyQt has nothing to do with
the problem. Also with Qt 5.0, using the mouse causes the app to crash as
soon as I try to open up the combo drop down.


Attachment: simple_scene.py
Description: Binary data

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