> I tried pynguin-0.12.zip on Windows7, python 2.7, PyQt 4.8.4 32bit,
> and I could run "go()" many times without any crashes or warnings.
> However, there appears to be no "tournament" function.

Thanks for taking your time on this, but the problem is only
in the development sources. I am doing my best to not make
a release that is known to segfault.

(Dev version uses python-3.2 and pyqt-4.9)

> One advise, if I may say so: The chance of finding someone who would
> be willing to debug your entire project is slim. On a mailing list
> such as this one, the best way is to reduce the problem to a self
> contained, minimum size test case which reproduces the bug.

Yes, you are right, but I have been working on this for about a
month now and the only way I've been able to get it to crash
is in corner cases with the whole application running.

That's why I am asking for general advice on how to find and
squash a bug like this.

Has anyone ever found and fixed a segfault using QGraphicsScene
and QGraphicsItem before? What was the problem?

What kinds of things generally cause a segfault like this?

Thanks again for your time.

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