On Fri, 7 Dec 2012 16:06:28 -0800, David Cortesi <davecort...@gmail.com>
> OK, I implement QListView.itemData() returning a python dict,
> which then arrives at QListView.setItemData() as a QVariant
> of length 1. The problem is, how to cast that qv back to a dict?
> I have read
> http://www.riverbankcomputing.co.uk/static/Docs/PyQt4/html/qvariant.html
> and noted especially the .convert method, but qv.convert(dict) produces
> the amusingly self-referential error,
> TypeError: QVariant.convert(Type): argument 1 has unexpected type 'type'
> dict(qv) doesn't do it. qv.toHash produces an empty dict.
> qv.toMap produces a QMap with the original keys as QStrings and
> the original data as QVariants. OK, but I'd rather have the python
> dict -- is there a way to get it, or do I have to work with the QMap

If PyQt can convert the dict to a QVariantMap then it will do, and discard
the original dict. It will only preserve the Python object if it can't do
anything else with it.

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