On Mon, 5 Nov 2012 15:44:13 -0800, David Cortesi <davecort...@gmail.com>
> In the Digia docs (http://doc.qt.digia.com/qt/qimage.html) QImage is
> said to have both a .bits() method and a .constBits() one, the latter
> differing in that it does not perform a "deep" copy of the image data.
> This might be useful if one wants to sample or process the contents of
> large images.
> Similarly there is supposed to be a .constScanLine to match the
> .scanLine() member (although it is not clear whether a call to
> .scanLine() would cause a copy of just the one line, or if it
> initiates a copy of the whole image -- one hopes not!).
> In the PyQt4 doc
> (http://riverbankcomputing.co.uk/static/Docs/PyQt4/html/qimage.html)
> there are "see also" references to constBits and constScanLine, but no
> other mentions. Attempting to call them gets an Attribute error, so
> they really aren't defined.
> Should they be?

Yes - fixed in tonight's snapshot.

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