Hi all,

I subclassed QLineEdit and created custom lineedit widget with builtin
button to clear it. This code in C++ and it works as expected (see attached
images cpp_widget_empty.png and cpp_widget_with_text.png). Then I
tried to wrap this C++ code with SIP and make custom widget available
in Python.

Bindings created but when I use this widget in program, clear button displayed
in left side instead of right (see image python_widget_with_text.png). When I
implement same code in pure Python all works as expected, button is showed
in right side as expected.  Any ideas what's wrong and how to fix this?

All sources attached. I use PyQt 4.8.1, Qt 4.7.0 and SIP 4.11.2

Alexander Bruy

Attachment: src.tar.bz2
Description: BZip2 compressed data

<<attachment: cpp_widget_empty.png>>

<<attachment: cpp_widget_with_text.png>>

<<attachment: python_widget_with_text.png>>

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