On 20/10/12 08:11, Mark Summerfield wrote:
I have built local versions of Qt 4.8.3, Python, SIP, and PyQt on an
Xubuntu machine which has Qt 4.8.1 as its system Qt:
$ cd qt483src
$ ./configure -prefix ~/opt/qt483
$ make && make install
$ cd py33src
$ ./configure --prefix ~/opt/py33
$ make && make install
$ cd sip414src
$ ~/opt/py33/bin/python3 configure.py
$ make && make install
$ cd pyqt495src
$ ~/opt/py33/bin/python3 configure.py -q ~/opt/qt483/bin/qmake
$ make && make install
$ ./opt/py33/bin/python3 mypyqtapp.pyw
Cannot mix incompatible Qt library (version 0x40801) with this library (version
Aborted (core dumped)
So clearly, despite trying to build using my local Qt, PyQt seems to be
looking at the system Qt.
Is there a solution for this?
One of the simplest solutions is to use LD_LIBRARY_PATH.
Create a wrapper "pyqt483" script like this:
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="path/to/qt4/lib"
exec "path/to/bin/python" "$@"
Then you can test your pyqt apps like this:
$ pyqt483 mypyqtapp.pyw
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