On Thu, Oct 18, 2012 at 2:57 PM, Phil Thompson
<p...@riverbankcomputing.com> wrote:
> On Thu, 18 Oct 2012 11:58:59 -0600, Larry Shaffer <lar...@dakotacarto.com>
> wrote:
>>>> Also, I would either like to know what the other platforms' (Win,
>>>> Linux, etc.) tags are expected to be and whether those can be counted
>>>> on being consistent, or whether I can just use the CMake platform
>>>> variables to pass in known, valid tags (WIN32, UNIX, APPLE) to use in
>>>> sip files.
>>> Platforms (and tags) are a SIP specific thing.
>> What I was suggesting is this:
>> %If (APPLE)
>> typedef unsigned long size_t;
>> %End
>> %If (!APPLE)
>> typedef unsigned int size_t;
>> %End
>> where the generic platform tags are generated by CMake, before being
>> concatenated to sip command line options:
>> SET(_sip_tags)
>>     LIST(APPEND _sip_tags -t APPLE)
>>     LIST(APPEND _sip_tags -t UNIX_NOTAPPLE)
>>     LIST(APPEND _sip_tags -t WIN32)
>> This would bypass the PyQt tags and use a set of
>> already-known-to-be-valid platform tags from CMake. This appears for
>> work for the Mac issue, but I'm asking if it is a proper use of the
>> Platforms directive and tags. ??
> That's fine, though confusing as it repeats what is already provided.

Hmm. Ok, so what's already provided? I see the following in a couple
of examples:


but nothing definitive in the docs as to the possible platform values
provided by sip (or am I just missing it?).

>> Lastly, if what I have done is OK, do I need to define the other
>> platforms (UNIX_NOTAPPLE, WIN32) in the Platforms directive if I am
>> only concerned with whether or not APPLE is enabled in the IF
>> directives, i.e. can I just do the following and have it work on
>> non-APPLE platforms?
>> %Platforms {APPLE}
>> %If (APPLE)
>> typedef unsigned long size_t;
>> %End
>> %If (!APPLE)
>> typedef unsigned int size_t;
>> %End
> -t tags that don't correspond to a Timeline, Platform or Feature are
> ignored (I think).
> Phil
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