On Fri, 24 Aug 2012 14:26:10 +0200, Marco Meier <marco.me...@ifak.eu>
> Hi,
> i am trying to access an enum that is defined globally in a namespace.
> Simply defining it in the sip file wraps the type correctly, but the
> value is not the one in the c++ shared object.
> I tried to use %SetCode and %GetCode with an integer to access the
> correct value. %GetCode works as intended. But when setting the value
> e.g. with module.enuminstance = 2, the %SetCode is not called, but a new
> integer object is assigned to module.enuminstance. What is the correct
> way to modify this global enum?

Python doesn't allow you to do what you want. Specifically, module
attributes don't support the descriptor protocol.

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