On Thu, 23 Aug 2012 16:37:45 +0200, Marco Meier <marco.me...@ifak.eu>
> Hi,
> i'm trying to wrap a C++ class with virtual methods using SIP. This
> class takes an auto_ptr pointing to another class as argument to the
> only defined constructor.
> Without virtual methods, i used %MethodCode to create an object of this
> class using a const char * as argument. With virtual methods, this is
> not possible, since the constructor of the base class is called prior to
> the constructor.
> Is there a way to change the initializer list to something like
> sipwrapped_class(const char *a0) :
> wrapped_class(some_static_method(a0)), .. {}
> or is there another way to do this with SIP?

The way to do it is to specify an explicit signature for the ctor and to
use %MethodCode...

typedef void *auto_ptr;

class Foo
    Foo(const char *) [(auto_ptr)];
        sipCpp = new sipFoo(some_static_method(a0));

The only odd thing here is the auto_ptr typedef which is needed (although
never used in the generated code) because SIP needs to know a fundamental
type (but not necessarily the correct fundamental type) for every argument
of a C++ signature. I will change it so that the typedef isn't needed - but
it doesn't do any harm.

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