
Am 22.08.2012 11:43, schrieb Szabo, Patrick (LNG-VIE):

Thank you for your response.
I thought that it might be possible with those functions yet I hoped there 
would be an easier way.
I want the user to be able to copy them via strg+c and thought there might be a 
method, attribute or flag that I have missed that would enable that possibility.

I guess I'll have to add a button or catch the strg+c signal to solve this.

Best regards

Maybe, there is a easier way to solve this problem, but I donĀ“t know it. If anyone knows it, let us know.

Instead of an extra button, you could also implement a context menu [1].

Best regards

[1] http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-4.8/qmenu.html#exec

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