On 24/07/2012 23:03, Gelonida N wrote:
> Im having a self written pyQT applciation.
> Now I wondered how I could easiest apply automated test.
> Something like:
> - start application
> - wait till a certain scren is visible.
> - check now, that five buttons are visible and check that
>   two of the buttons are grayed out.Check also that each button has a size
> greater than a given specified size and that the buttons are aligned.
> - then click one button and verify, that a dialog pops up.

If I understand correctly you want to test the full application with an
external entity. I don't know anything under *nix, but for win32 you may try:

            Giuseppe Corbelli
WASP Software Engineer, Copan Italia S.p.A
Phone: +390303666318  Fax: +390302659932
E-mail: giuseppe.corbe...@copanitalia.com
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