On Jul 9, 2012, at 10:51 AM, Glenn Linderman wrote:

> On 7/9/2012 10:43 AM, Brian Knudson wrote:
>> As an example, I'm looking at Adobe updater's system tray icon.  It has the 
>> Adobe logo & a number next to it that denotes the number of updates 
>> available.  In order to do this, the icon is wider than it is tall.
>> screen shot: http://churchofbk.com/misc/tray_icon.png
>> I would love to be able to do this with one of my apps, as the whole point 
>> of the app is to make a certain number of cores available to some other 
>> process - so it becomes much more usable as a tray icon if it shows the 
>> number of available cores at any one time.  
>> With that, can the size/geometry of a QSystemTrayIcon be changed so that it 
>> isn't square?  If I try to give it a non-square image, it gets scaled while 
>> maintaining aspect ratio until it fits in a 16x16 or 22x22 box.
> Are you sure that Adobe isn't using two adjacent system tray icons? That was 
> my first impression when I looked at your screen shot. But your screen shot 
> doesn't look like a Windows system tray, is it Linux or something? I didn't 
> even know anything but Windows had system trays...

It's OS X.  I don't believe it's called a "System tray" in OS X, but as far as 
Qt is concerned, it's the area where QSystemTrayIcons go.  

I had initially thought that it was 2 icons as well, but that doesn't *appear* 
to be the case - the whole thing highlights on click & the menu always appears 
in the same place, regardless of where I click.  I suppose there could be quite 
a bit of trickery at play here, but I wanted to ask before I started 
investigating if it's worth trying to use two icons & make them appear as one.

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