I have a function to check if the selected type of children of a widget have been filled or not. Here is the code:
def fillCompleted(self, parent, combo=True, spin=True, dspin=True, line=True): '''Checks if all fields in a parent widget have been filled''' filledCompletely = True if combo: for x in parent.findChildren(QComboBox): if x.currentIndex() == 0: filledCompletely = False print 'combo' if spin: for x in parent.findChildren(QSpinBox): if x.cleanText() == "": filledCompletely = False print 'spin' if dspin: for x in parent.findChildren(QDoubleSpinBox): if x.cleanText() == "": filledCompletely = False print 'dspin' if line: for x in parent.findChildren(QLineEdit): if x.text() == "": filledCompletely = False if not filledCompletely: QMessageBox.warning(self, "Data Incomplete", "Please fill all the fields!") return 0 return 1 I called this function with if self.fillCompleted(self.purItmSel.currentWidget(), spin=False, dspin=False): As you can see, I told it to exclude spinboxes and doublespinboxes from checking. However, while checking, it considers the lineedits in these spin/double spin boxes as lineedit, and validate them too. How do I classify between the acual lineedits, and lineedits of the spin/double spinboxes? Thanks! -- by, Yours Sincerely The One and Only Manikandan
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