Brian Knudson wrote:

> Hello all,
>  My PyQt app is running on OS X and CentOS 5.4-6.0, but when I try to run
>  it on Fedora 14, I see no text, only blocks where text should be.
> screen shot:
> I installed all Py/Qt components the exact same way (using a blank slate
> prefix for python, qt, and pyqt) on all OSs, but on Fedora, it behaves
> differently.  I'm guessing there's some sort of required font package I
> need to install.  Rather than installing every font package there is, I
> thought I'd ask if anyone knows the magic recipe. Anyone know what will
> fix my missing fonts?

If you're running this locally, fedora pretty generally (and implicitly) 
requires you to have the following groups installed:

yum groupinstall base-x fonts

If you experience badness after doing so (or can further isolation what 
pieces were missing), please do file a bug @

-- rex

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