there are now some hints to why the problem occurs. The problem, not
necessary error, is in the executive. It signals a excepthook and
dispatches a message, which may or may not be meaningful, but likely
not. Search on the net indicates that the problem is in the python
executive causing a stack problem, probably an overflow.
Probably not much one can do about at least not from the user end.
Interesting to the community may be that the problem is reduced by not
using the method parentItem() in Qt's graphics system. Once I passed
the parent as a parameter, the big bulk of error messages disappeared.
Current status is that the message only appears in connection with using
the rubber band. So it is still there, but it has greatly reduced and
most important of all: the error is not in the user code, except than
there is something in the choice of the configuration of the graphics
system or the way the problem is solved.
Heinz Preisig
On 2012-05-03 10:32, Heinz A Preisig wrote:
I have been taking out an old program that I wrote 2 years ago that
uses QGraphicsItem in a graph application. I get an error
TypeError: 'int' object is not callable
which I cannot localise.
Tried lots of things with the debugger, but do not get anywhere.
Cannot isolate or localise the error source. I also downloaded newest
version of pyqt, recompiled and with the tracing switch set.
Still no results.
Error occurs in various activities related to creating, moving but
also when clicking on the graph items. Not on all of them though.
Any ideas on how to go about it? Looks like the error comes from
within the pyqt, but experience shows that it is most likely one owns
stupidity that is the problem.
Heinz Preisig
Heinz A Preisig
Professor of Process Systems Engineering Private:
Øvre Bakklandet 62 B, 7013 Trondheim, Norway
Department of Chemical Engineering
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
N -- 7491 Trondheim, Norway Tel direct:+47 735 92807
Tel mob:+47 9754 1334
web:www.chemeng.ntnu.no\~preisig <http://www.chemeng.ntnu.no/%7Epreisig>
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