Thank you both for your help.

I have fixed this, it seems it was in fact a simple case of scope. I now
define newServiceForm as a member of the class that I am working in.  Doing
this and refering to newServiceForm as self.newServiceForm has corrected my

Thanks again!

John V. Busch

On Wed, Apr 11, 2012 at 12:42 PM, <> wrote:

> Quoting Andreas Pakulat <>:
>  On 11.04.12 12:26:09, John V. Busch wrote:
>>> I have a bug that only occurs when I am NOT debugging.
>>> I am very new to pyQT, so please forgive if this is something obvious.
>>> The following code is called from another QDialog class upon a particular
>>> button click.
>>>            newServiceForm = QDialog()
>>>            newServiceUI = Ui_Dialog()
>>>            newServiceUI.setupUi(**newServiceForm)
>>> newServiceUI.**installScriptButton.clicked.**connect(self.**
>>> installScriptButton_clicked)
>>> If I set a breakpoint anywhere in this method the newServiceForm displays
>>> with no issue; however if I allow the application to execute naturally,
>>> the
>>> form never displays.
>>> I am assuming there is some race condition here internal to QT that is
>>> being created likely due to my misuse.
>> Once you provide a complete example we might be able to help you. The
>> code above has no obvious errors, but it might well be that you're using
>> it incorrectly.
> It looks as the typical issue of not holding a reference to
> newServiceForm, but as Andreas says, you have to provide a complete example.
> Armando
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