On 07/03/2012 09:43, Luca Beltrame wrote:
In data mercoledì 7 marzo 2012 09:37:38, Mads Ipsen ha scritto:

the Python unittest moudle. I have attached a few examples. If you have
time to take a look and comment, it would be great.
I have a question on FooTest: is having a QApplication instance enough in
unittest to ensure emission of signals? Otherwise your problem does not only
apply to using threads, but to any use of unittest with signals and slots.
Signals are emitted. You can emulate pressing a button using the static utility methods from the QTest module; the slots that the button signal is connected to will be called. In some cases, if the called slots perform a lot of processing, I usually call QtGui.qApp.processEvents() after triggering the event. However, I am not an expert, so I don't know if this is the right approach/thing to do.

* Hook up a slot which gets called when the thread finishes
As I said above, are signals emitted in the FooTest case? I ask because I've
been meaning to add unittest to my applications but I was not sure how to
handle the case of slots and signals.

* Start the event loop by calling QtGui.qApp.exec_()
I think I've tried this in the past and it didn't quite work for me.

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| Mads Ipsen                                          |
| Gåsebæksvej 7, 4. tv |                              |
| DK-2500 Valby        | phone:          +45-29716388 |
| Denmark              | email:  mads.ip...@gmail.com |

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